Thursday, May 24, 2012

what is mechanical engineering ??

Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical   engineering in our lives diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need to design and manufacture everything   from small individual parts and devices (e.g.,  microscale   sensors and inkjet  printer nozzles) to large systems (e.g., spacecraft and machine tools). The role of a mechanical engineer is to take a product from an idea to the marketplace. In order to accomplish this, a broad range of skills are needed. The mechanical engineer needs to acquire particular skills and knowledge. He/she needs to understand the forces and the thermal environment that a product, its parts, or its subsystems will encounter; to design them for functionality, aesthetics, and the ability to withstand the forces and the thermal environment they will be subjected to; and to determine the best way to manufacture them and ensure they will operate without failure. Perhaps the one skill that is the mechanical engineer’s exclusive domain is the ability to analyze and design objects and systems with motion. Then, emphasizes on the design and synthesis of mechanical components and systems. Mechanical engineers are usually involved in research and development, design and manufacturing, engine and thermal energy systems and also machinery. Mechanical engineering graduates are highly flexible and could work in almost every industrial engineering sector.

The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices and more. Since these skills are required for virtually everything that is made, mechanical engineering is perhaps the broadest and most diverse of engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers play a central role in such industries as automotive (from the car chassis to its every subsystem—engine, transmission, sensors); aerospace (airplanes, aircraft engines, control systems for airplanes and spacecraft); biotechnology (implants, prosthetic devices, fluidic systems for pharmaceutical industries); computers and electronics (disk drives, printers, cooling systems, semiconductor tools); microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS (sensors, actuators, micropower generation); energy conversion (gas turbines, wind turbines, solar energy, fuel cells); environmental control (HVAC, air-conditioning, refrigeration, compressors); automation (robots, data and image acquisition, recognition, control); manufacturing (machining, machine tools, prototyping, microfabrication).

Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. Mechanical engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of physics. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in such fields as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology. Mechanical engineering overlaps with aerospace engineering, building services engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, petroleum engineering, and chemical engineering to varying amounts. The breadth of the mechanical engineering discipline allows students a variety of career options beyond some of the industries listed above. Regardless of the particular path they envision for themselves after they graduate, their education will have provided them with the creative thinking that allows them to design an exciting product or system, the analytical tools to achieve their design goals, the ability to overcome all constraints, and the teamwork needed to design, market, and produce a system. These valuable skills could also launch a career in medicine, law, consulting, management, banking, finance, and so on.

To put it simply, mechanical engineering deals with anything that moves, including the human body, a very complex machine. Mechanical engineers learn about materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacturing to understand mechanical systems. Specialized mechanical engineering subjects include biomechanics, cartilage-tissue engineering, energy conversion, laser-assisted materials processing, combustion, MEMS, microfluidic devices, fracture mechanics, nanomechanics, mechanisms, micropower generation, tribology (friction and wear), and vibrations. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) currently lists 36 technical divisions, from advanced energy systems and aerospace engineering to solid-waste engineering and textile engineering.

Hukum puasa di bulan Rajab

Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullah.

dari kemarin sampai tadi malam bayak yg bbm ke nmr sya tentang berpuasa di awal rajab/ derjat hadistnya, saya pun mencoba mencari kebenaran dgn bertanya kepada murobi saya. dan inilah hasilnya.. mari kita review….

karena ada status menyebar sbb:
"Tgl. 22 mei kita masuk awal bulan rajab. Barang siapa puasa 2 hari di awal rajab seakan ibadah 2 tahun. Barang siapa mengingatkan org lain ttg ini seakan ibadah 80 tahun."

ada yang dapat sms itu g???
saya penasaran.. ini g ada sanadnya g ada matannya..
dan ternyata hadist itu Dalilnya dhaif lho..

Ibnu Rajab rahimahullah berkata, “Hadits yang menunjukkan keutamaan puasa Rajab secara khusus tidaklah shahih dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan para sahabatnya.” (Latho’if Al Ma’arif, hal. 213).

Sebenarnya Rajab termasuk bulan yg dimuliakan (bulan haram).
Tidak ada dalil yang menyatakan fadilah puasa Rajab tanggal sekian akan dapat sekian2 dst.
Dalilnya dhaif. Jadi nggak bisa diterima menjadi landasan ibadah.
Masalah shaum dibulan Rajab mengikuti keumuman puasa sunnah dibulan lain kecuali Ramadhan. Boleh senin kamis, yaum al bidh (13~15).

Dari Abu Dzar al Ghifari berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw pernah memerintahkan kami agar berpuasa sebanyak tiga hari pada setiap bulan, yaitu apa yang dinamakan dengan hari putih; tanggal ketiga belas, keempat belas dan kelima belas.’ Nabi saw bersabda,”Itu semua seperti berpuasa sepanjang waktu.” (HR. An Nasai dan dishahihkan oleh Ibnu Hibban)
 Derajat Hadist - Keutamaan Puasa pada Bulan Rajab

Maksudnya adalah puasa yang dikerjakan dalam bulan mulia Rajab, dan diyakini sebagai puasa yang diperintahkan oleh Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wa salam, dan diyakini memiliki kelebihan keutamaan-keutamaan atau keistimewaan atau pahala tertentu dibandingkan puasa sunnah yang lain.

Seputar Dalil
Syaikh Ibn Taimimiyah (wafat: 728 H = 1328 M) dalam kitab Majmu al-Fatawa mengatakan, "… mengenai puasa Rajab secara khusus, maka seluruh hadistnya adalah lemah dan bahkan palsu yang tidak dijadikan acuan oleh para ulama, … tetapi tergolong sebagai hadist-hadist palsu yang dibuat-buat."
Ibn Rajab (wafat: 795 H) dalam Lathaif al-Maarif mengatakan, "Tidak ada hadist shahih dari Nabi shalallahu 'alaihi wa salam dan para sahabatnya yang secara khusus menerangkan keutamaan puasa Rajab."
Pernyataan di atas juga disepakati oleh banyak ulama fiqh dan hadist di antaranya adalah Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah dalam al-Manar al-Munif, As-Subki (dalam ath-Thabaqat al-Wustha), Imam an-Nawawi (wafat: 676 H) dalam Syarah Muslim, al-Iraqy (wafat: 807 H) dalam Syarh at-Tirmidzi, asy-Syaukani (wafat: 1255) dalam as-Sail al-Jirar, Ibn Himat ad-Dimasyq (dalam at-Tankit wa al-Ifadah), Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (wafat: 852 H) dalam Tabayyun al-"ujb fi Fadhail Rajab.

Seputar Hadist
1. Ikrimah meriwayatkan dari Ibn Abbas bahwa Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wa salam bersabda:
صُومُ أَوَّلٍ يَومٍ مِنْ رَجَبَ كَفَارَةُ ثَلاَثِ سِنِينَ، وَصِيَامُ الْيَومِ الثَّانِي كَفَارَةُ سِنِتَينِ، وصيام اليوم الثَّالِثِ كفارة سَنَةٍ، ثُمَّ كُلِ يَومِ كفارة شَهْرٍ
Berpuasa pada hari pertama bulan Rajab menghapus dosa selama tiga tahun, berpuasa pada hari kedua menghapus dosa selama dua tahun, berpuasa pada hari ketiga menghapus dosa selama setahun, kemudian untuk setiap harinya menghapus dosa selama sebulan.
Hadist ini dikeluarkan oleh al-Khilal dalam Fadhail Shahr Rajab, tetapi dia sendiri menyatakan bahwa, " … di dalam hadist ini terdapat periwayat yang tidak aku kenal dan cukuplah dalam amsalah ini pernyataan, "Tidak ada satupun hadist shahih dalam masalah ini."

2. Dari seorang suku Bahilah, ia datang kepada Nabi shalallahu 'alaihi wa salam dan berkata, "Ya Rasulallah, aku lelaki yang datang kepadamu pada awal tahun (Muharram) ini."
Nabi bersabda:
صُمُ مِنَ الْحُرُمِ وَاتْرُكْ
Berpuasalah pada bulan-bulan mulia dan tinggalkanlah.
Hadist ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah dan al-Baihaqi. Akan tetapi Abu Dawud dan Ibn Majah tidak memberikan komentar terhadap hadist ini. Diamnya Abu Dawud tidak berarti hadist ini shahih karena Abu Dawud selalu mengatakan shahih terhadap hadist yang dia yakini keshahihannya.
Imam al-Albani mengatakan, "(Hadist) ini tidak jayyid (baik) sanadnya, karena perwainya goncang pada sisi-sisi yang telah disebutkan oleh al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani dalam at-Tahdzib, dan sesudahnya oleh al-Mundziri dalam Muhtashar as-Sunan, kemudian ia mengatakan, "Dan telah terjadi perbedaan pendapat seperti yang anda ketahui. Sebagian guru-guru kami mendhaifkannya (melemahkannya-red) karena hal itu. Imam al-Albani juga menyatakan, "Hadist ini mempunyai cacat lain, yaitu jahalah (tidak dikenal perawinya)." Isi dari hadist di atas pun, tidak menyebutkan keutamaan puasa sunnah bulan Rajab tetapi bulan awal tahun yaitu bulan Muharram.

3. Dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudri radhiallahu 'anhu:
من صام من رجب يوما إيمان واحتسابا إستوجب رضوان الله ا لأكبر
Barangsiapa puasa sekali saja pada bulan Rajab karena iman dan mengharap pahala dari Allah, maka ia berhak meraih ridla Allah yang paling besar.
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani dalam Kitan Tabayyun al-'Ujb berkata, "Matan hadist ini tidak memiliki sumber, tetapi itu hadist buatan Abu al-Birkat as-Siqthi yang kemudian dia buat susunan sanadnya." Maka hadist ini jelas-jelas maudlu (palsu)

Bagaimana Pendapat Sahabat Rasulullah:
Marilah kita perhatikan tindakan Umar ibn Khaththab radliallhu 'anhu kepada orang yang berpuasa sunnah pada bulan Rajab. Umar bin Khaththab menarik tangan orang-orang pada bulan Rajab lalu meletakkannya di mangku besar dan ia berkata, "Makanlah, karena ini adalah bulan yang dahulu diagungkan kaum jahiliyah." HR Ibn Abi Syaibah dalam Muhshannaf-nya, Imam Ahmad).

Bagaimana kita bersikap:
Ada baiknya kita mengikuti pendapat Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani rahimahullah dalam kitabnya Tabayyun al-Ujb bima Warada Fadhli Rajab menyatakan bahwa tujuannya semata-mata berpuasa secara mutlak, atau mengerjakan shalat malam seperti yang dilakukan di luar bulan Rajab, maka yang puasa dan shalat malam demikian itu diperbolehkan. Tetapi bila seseorang mempunyai keyakinan dan anggapan puasa atau shalatnya itu mempunyai kedudukan yang berbeda atau lebih utama daripada puasa dan shalat malam yang dikerjakan di luar bulan Rajab, maka puasa dan shalat malam itu bid'ah.
sampai umar bersikap bgini kpda yg puasa dg dalil tsb: Umar bin Khaththab menarik tangan orang-orang pada bulan Rajab lalu meletakkannya di mangku besar dan ia berkata, "Makanlah, karena ini adalah bulan yang dahulu diagungkan kaum jahiliyah." HR Ibn Abi Syaibah dalam Muhshannaf-nya, Imam Ahmad). kenapa demikian ? UBTUK MENJAGA AGAR ISLAM INI MURNI TANPA PENGADA2AN DALAM IBADAH DAN AQIDAH, AGAR TERHINDAR DARI KEHANCURAN SPTI AGAMA NASHRANI, YAHUDI
Dalam bulan rajab banyak diantara kita yang melakukan beberapa ibadah:

1. Mengucapkan doa: "Allaahumma baarik lanaa fii rajaba wa sya'baana waballighnaa ramadhaan," diriwayatkan bahwa Syaikhul Islam Abu Ismail Al-Anshariy berkata,"Tidak ada yang shahih tentang keutamaan bulan rajab kecuali hadits ini." Kesimpulan ini dibantah Al-Hafizh Ibnu Rajab Al-Hanbali dengan mengatakan,"Pada ucapannya ada pandangan, karena sesungguhnya dalam sanad hadits ini ada kelemahan." Sebabnya adalah rawi yang bernama Zaidah Bin Abir Ruqad Al-Bahiliy, seorang yang dhaif." Al-Haitsamiy telah menyebutkan hadits itu pada dua tempat dalam Majma'uz Zawaaid. Pertama, pada (2/165) berkata: "Diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bazzar, dan di dalamnya ada Zaidah Bin Abir Ruqad. Imam Al-Bukhariy berkata: "Dia munkarul hadits", dan sebagian ulama menilainya majhul." Kedua, pada (3/140) dan dinisbatkannya kepada Al-Bazzar dan Ath-Thabaraniy dalam (Mu'jam) Al-Ausath.

2. Shalat khusus menyambut bulan rajab.

Al-Hafizh Ibnu Rajab Al-Hanbaliy berdasarkan istiqra` menyimpulkan: "Tidak ada yang shah mengenai shalat tertentu yang khusus dilakukan di bulan rajab. Adapun hadits-hadits yang diriwayatkan tentang keutamaan shalat raghaib pada permualaan malam jumat dari bulan rajab adalah dusta dan bathil; tidak shahih. Shalat ini hukumnya bid'ah menurut jumhur ulama. Diantara pemuka-pemuka ulama mutaakh-khirin dari kalangan huffazh ialah Abu Ismail Al-Anshariy, Abu Bakar Bin As-Sam'aniy, Abul Fadh Bin Nashir, Abul Farj Bin Al-Jauziy dan lain-lain. Para ulama mutaqaddimin tidak membahas masalah ini karena shalat ini diadakah setelah zaman mereka. Yang pertama kali muncul adalah setelah abad 400 H. Oleh karena itu, ulama mutaqaddimin tidak mengenal dan membicarakannya."

2. Puasa khusus di bulan rajab.

Ibnu Rajab mengatakan: "Tidak ada satu pun hadits yang shah tentang keutamaan puasa rajab secara khusus dari Nabi Shallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam dan juga dari shabatnya. Namun diriwayatkan dari Abu Qilabah berkata: "Di surga ada istana yang disediakan bagi orang yang banyak melakukan puasa pada bulan rajab."

Imam Al-Baihaqiy berkata: "Abu Qilabah termasuk kibarut tabi'in, ia tidak mengatakan yang seperti itu melainkan karena (hadits) yang sampai (kepadanya).

Namun, hadits yang melarang puasa pada bulan rajab juga tidak shah. Ibnu Majah mengeluarkan dari Ibnu Abbas, bahwa Nabi Shallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam melarang puasa pada bulan rajab." Dalam sanad hadits itu ada Dawud Bin Atha', seorang yang sudah disepakati kelemahannya. Karenanya Ibnu Rajab mengomentari hadits itu: "Dikeluarkan Ibnu Majag dengan sanad yang di dalamnya ada kelemahan, dan yang shahih hadits itu mauquf kepada Ibnu Abbas."

Ringkasnya ada khilaf dikalangan imam-imam dalam masalah ini.

3. Membayar zakat pada bulan rajab.

Ibnu Rajab mengatakan: "Penduduk negeri ini biasa mengeluarkan zakat pada bulan rajab. Padahal tidak ada asalnya yang demikian itu dari sunnah. Juga tidak dikenal dari seorang pun dari salaf."

Ringkasnya bahwa zakat ada yang memiliki nishab dan haul. Orang yang sudah mencukupi nishabnya dan telah mencapai haul, maka ia wajib mengeluarkan zakat. Jadi setiap orang haulnya berbeda-beda. Meski begitu, jumhur ulama membolehkan membayar zakat lebih awal ketika sudah sampai nishabnya tanpa menunggu datangnya haul.

4. Umrah di bulan rajab.

Megenai hal ini, Imam Ahmad dan Ibnu Majah meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar bahwa "Nabi Shallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasalam berumrah pada bulan rajab." Namun, riwayat Ibnu Umar diingkari 'Aisyah bahwa "Nabi Shallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam tidak pernah umrah pada bulan rajab."

Singkatnya, kebanyakan shahabat seperti Umar Bin Khath-thab menyukai umrah di bulan rajab. Begitu pula 'Aisyah dan Ibnu Umar juga melakukannya. Dan Ibnu Sirin menukil dari salaf bahwa mereka juga melakukannya.

Wallaahu A'lam.

Silahkan lihat Lathaaiful Ma'aarif oleh Ibnu Rajab, Majma'uz Zawaaid oleh Al-Haitsami, dan kitab-kitab takhrij hadits.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

menikmati indahnya warna dunia

tak perlu terlalu letih
tak perlu terlalu tinggi
aku meletakan mimpikuh, hanya dari semua cermin kata hati kuh,,

bukan ia terlampau berharap,
bukan ia terlalu menginkan,,
ia sedang mewarnai hatinya,
agar ada arti dalam tiap hidupnya

jangan ka patahkan apa lagi hancurkan
mimpi yang ia bangun adalah niat ikhlas yang lama ia bayangkan,
tidak kah kau rasakan hancur badannya untuk menjaga engkau??

sulit untuk ku ungkap,
terlalu tinggi masa yg mengganjal
harap bukan keyakinan, keyakinan bukan hasrta, lagi hasrat bukan emosi,

ia adaklah sesuatu yg kuat,
kuat untuk di rasa,
semakin kuat berat untuk ku tahan
sampai logika atau denyut nadi mungkin tak akan pernah seteratur ini,,

ia adalah kekuatan,
kekuatan dimana sejuta alasan telah ia ciptakan dalam suatu benih cinta,


Negotiation is a form of social interaction at parties - the parties involved seek to mutually resolve the different and conflicting goals.
According to the Oxford dictionary, negotiation is a way to reach an agreement through formal discussions.Negotiation is a process when the two sides reach an agreement that meets the satisfaction of all parties concerned with elements of cooperation and competition. These include the action taken when communicating, collaboration, or influence others with a specific purpose.  Examples of cases on the negotiations, such as Christopher Columbus convinced Queen Elizabeth to finance the war when the British expedition of costly or disputed island of Sipadan-Ligitan - perbatasa island in Indonesia and Malaysia - between Indonesia and Malaysia Following this, the basic skills in negotiating:A. Sharpness of the mind / acumen2. Patient3. Adaptability4. Durability5. Social skills6. Concentration7. Articulateness8. Has a sense of humorTactic - a tactic commonly usedThe tactic has several purposes. Tactics will help to see the real issues are being debated at the negotiating table. [9] This tactic can also describe the stagnation. [9] And, can help to see and protect themselves from kebohongona negotiators. [9] Following this, nine negotiating strategies that can used and avoided: [9] [10]

Mengeryit (The WinCE)This tactic is also known as Surprise (Flinch) is an adverse reaction to one's bid. In other words, act surprised when negotiations are held the negotiators went to the wishes of others.
Abiding (The Silence)If you do not like what someone says, or if you just make an offer and you are waiting for an answer, silence can be your best choice. Most people can not survive in the long silence ("Dead Air Time"). They become uncomfortable if there is no conversation to fill the gap between you and the other party. Usually, the other party will respond with a concession or offer concessions.
Fish Red Herring (Red Herring)The term is taken from the old competition in the UK, Fox Hunting (Fox Hunting Competition). In this competition, the other team will drag trail and smell the fox in the other direction with the fish. Thus, the opponent will be fooled and dogs lose track. Similarly, when a negotiator to bring "fishy fish" or other issues to the negotiating table to divert attention from the main issue of discussion.
Insulting behavior (Outrageous Behaviour)Any form of behavior - are usually considered less immoral and unacceptable to the environment-with the aim of forcing others to agree. As the management of sick of the demands that are considered unreasonable and forced to sign a contract with tears and then dispose of them as violent and dramatic - though covered by the media. The purpose of this tactic is to bully people - people involved in the negotiations.
Written (The Written Word)Is written in terms of the agreement can not be contested. Agreement, the lease (leasing), or a price above the sculptured stone and is now in the paper (money) is an example - the example is written.
Exchange (The Trade-off)These tactics are used to bargaining - bargaining. Exchanges only offer concessions, until all parties agree to the terms - terms. Actually, this tactic is used to compromise.
Ultimatum (The Ultimatum)The use of ultimatums is sometimes (seldom) is effective as an opener in the negotiation tactics. However, some time in a long negotiation when you feel you need to use this tactic.
Walking Out (Walking Out)In some situations, running out can be used as a strategy to put pressure on other parties.
Ability to Say "No" (The Ability to Say "No")A tactic memepang very important role in all kinds of negotiation strategies and how to present it appropriately. The first and most basic way to learn this tactic is that anything to say 'no' directly, translated by others as 'yes'.

simbol keselamatankerja para engineering

as a someone who has experience as an executive of one of the engineering branch of engineering science that studies how to design, build, renovate not only the buildings and infrastructure, but also includes the environment for the benefit of human life.
I have found a case of a building constructed in the site where I work I am. the problem is about crane of tower construction that does not stand firmly or done by a mechanism that is not in accordance with procedures.  It is about boom and counter was not balance. Then the cabin will fall  if I am let it and not rectified.

So, as a someone who has experience as an executive. I have to prevent this happened.  To avoid anything which might be coming. Then  I will do :
1.        State the Problems :
As an executive engneering this project. I must to check  what is the main problem of this situation . How could be the crane will fall?  I needs the team of building engineering and cilvil engneriing statement to explain to me about the mistaken construcction be happened. Because, generally   the building and civil engineering must know the process of building high-rise buildings ranging from the design stage to implementation stage takes time and careful planning. Including the calculation of the structure is very complicated, too many strict rules from the calculation of the strength of foundation support, the calculation of the size and compositionof thecolumn beam structure, building resistance to static loads, dynamic loads andestimates of earthquake loads that may be facing the building. In the past, the engineers designing earthquake it will resitant about the buildings with a planned major structures(beams, columns) in such a rigid and strong, so as not to shake during an earthquake. It is implemented by designing the structure of columns and beams with large dimensions with dense steel reinforcement which would require a much greater cost and expensive. Given the likely magnitude of the earthquake inertial forces that work in the center of mass of the building, the construction experts argue that it is not economical to plan common structures in such a strong and rigid, so that it behaves elastically when a strong earthquake.

2.       Checks the Fact :
 The fact that i was got is. Between the boom and enconter site it was not balance. So the top of crane is rather to boom site. The encounter needs some additional weight. Before knowing how to set up a tower crane, it helps us become acquainted with the tower crane. What is a tower crane? And what parts are there in the tower crane? Tower cranes are devices used to transport and move materials and equipment are working hard to reach either vertically or horizontally.
In short, this is how its phases.
1. Planting fine angle and base section into the foundation hole and then to cast.
2. Mounting initial mast section using mobile crane.
3. Then the installation of a climbing crane is used to "self assembly"
      4.Mounting cabin on the climbing crane.      5. Mounting boom and counter jib6. Counter weight Mounting (load balanced)
            1. 2. 3.
After all the parts installed, at the time would raise the height adjusting to the height of the building, the next stage is: 1. Climbing crane will lift the cab up so that there is space between the cabin and the mast section.
2. Then boom lift a mast section for later placed on an empty rung tadi.
3. Process repeated until the height of the TC in accordance with the height that's cool Broadly the stages how Tower Crane can go up and adjust the height of the building

3.       The Relevant Facts :
From the the relevant facts i have to find the relation facts about this problem. Not only from the engneering site , but also in management site. Are they buy the material like the engneering order. Or i also have to check about the worker. Are they do the task like engneeriner command? So i have to check all related that can make this happened. And then get the solution to make a decisions.\

4.             On the other hands Options that i have to thoght are :
ü  Public  Safety  : accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent on safety, health and public welfare, and to disclose promptly factors  which might endanger the public or the environment. Engineering field is the field concerning the safety of the people and the environment. For example, a civil engineer who worked to build bridges, should seek to build a bridge as solid as possible for the safety of millions of people who will cross it. The problem is, the safety concept can hinder financial gain or the development of science. This could plunge the engineer to choose to sacrifice safety. “do it safely or do not do it at all”.

ü  Ethics in Engineering : Ethics in engineering is a set of standards that specify the obligations of engineers to the public, clients, superiors, and to the profession itself. Ethics to be a guide for an engineer in order to improve the quality of his work, as well as responsible for the safety and welfare of the public. Ethics in engineering is very broad concept. In it, there are points which are techniques to human values ​​which must always be upheld by every engineer.

ü  Integrity as an engineering  : As someone who has more technical knowledge than anyone else, it's natural for an engineer to accept more responsibility in the work place. Opinion of an engineer is often used as a reference for business decisions, such as selecting suppliers. Therefore, engineers are often faced with circumstances that test their integrity. Not infrequently the supplier offering gifts or other forms of bribery in an engineer with the goal of improving his chances of winning the competition with other suppliers. If this happens, the engineer is obliged to reject all forms of gifts and bribery this. seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical jobs, acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of people to help colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and support them in following this code of conduct.
ü  Money and Time : from this case, absolutely i need to fix this problem by additional money and the time. So it might be taken some more money and time from the biginning target. That is why i have to meet any stakeholder to explain to them for kind of each other.

5.       Decisions
From all of data from step 1-4 for. It force me to decided that the construction have to be stop for a while and then continued again until the main problems was founded. As soons as possible with the right time and money will using. Or if this problem still can not fix and founded And the still has chance to crane to fallen with any options can not help. We need to rebulit the crane with new team engineering and management are better than before.